Here’s episode 2. (Note: This was supposed to go out last Friday, Jan. 24. But the content triggered YouTube’s censorship radar. It finally got on. But we’ve also started to publish on Rumble, just in case we get censored again)
On Today’s show: A historic week for the nation - against all odds, Donald Trump is sworn in as the 47th president.
Why raising your hand up in the sky is a sign of heartfelt reverence and gratitude.
Why pardoning 15-hundred people who protested on January 6 is a huge tell of the Left’s overreach.
And how to spot a false prophet, like Reverend Marianne Budde, who took the opportunity to lecture Trump on how to show mercy.
Finally, my interview with Helen Joyce, author of “TRANS: When Ideology Meets Reality.” Here’s her bio:
TRANS was published in July 2021 by OneWorld and has been in paperback since May 2022.
A Times of London and Spectator book of the year, it is a UK and Amazon top ten bestseller. It received rave reviews in publications ranging from the Telegraph to the New York Times, and endorsements from, among others, Daniel Dennett (“A sane, humane book”), Lionel Shriver (“Utterly unintimidated by extremist orthodoxy”) and Richard Dawkins (“Thoroughly researched, passionate and very brave”).
Until April 2022, Helen was The Economist’s Britain editor. She joined the paper in 2005 as education correspondent; subsequent jobs include Brazil correspondent (based in São Paulo), International editor, Finance editor and Executive editor for events. Before that she edited Plus, an online magazine about maths published by the University of Cambridge, and was founding editor for the Royal Statistical Society’s magazine, Significance. She has a bachelor’s degree from Trinity College Dublin, a Master’s from Cambridge and a PhD from University College London, all in mathematics.
Helen now works as director of advocacy for Sex Matters, a UK human-rights charity that campaigns for sex-based rights. Her independent journalism and subscription newsletter can be found on her website: She offers executive coaching with her professional partner, Rabbi Harvey Belovski, at, writes a regular column in the Critic magazine and tweets @hjoycegender.