Culture, Religion, Technology (take II)
April 19, 2024 - 4 PM TO 9:30 PM ET
Save the day! The Freedom Foundation and We Over Me will host Culture, Religion, and Technology 2024 at the national historical landmark: The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida.
We are living in surreal times with ideological warfare dividing the country. Technology has much to do with how information is pulling people vehemently apart. Cultural norms are being thrown out the window as traditionalists fight against a movement toward an egalitarian utopia.
Join us as we discuss culture, religion, mental health, Artificial Intelligence, education, and government.
Our keynote speaker will be Peter Thiel, author of Zero to One; investor, philanthropist, and entrepreneur.
12:30pm-1:15pm - Registration
1:15pm-1:35pm - Welcome and Opening Remarks
1:45pm-2:45pm - Panel 1: How to Take Back our Culture
2:45pm-3:00pm - Break
3:00pm-4:00pm - Panel 2: Where is the acute problem? K-12 or Universities?
4:00pm-5:00pm - Happy Hour (wine and beer served)
5:00pm-5:15pm - Welcome, Paul Martino (Managing Partner, Bullpen Capital) dinner served
5:15pm-6:15pm - Panel 3: Building the Future for our Children; Moderator: Aaron Withe (President, Freedom Foundation); Panelists: Ryan Walters (State Superintendent, Oklahoma)
6:15pm-6:30pm. - Break
6:30pm-8:30pm - Fireside Chat: Peter Thiel (Author, Zero to One; Founding Partner, Founders Fund), Bambi Francisco Roizen (Author, Unequally Yoked; President, Vator)
desert served
8:30pm9:30pm - VIP drinks (cocktails and book signing)